#Caravan vacation has found more followers and lower prices than the classic accommodation system in the last two years due to the coronavirus pandemic. Owners of caravan rental companies say they have had 30% more customers over the last two summers and business is growing. Tourists are satisfied, have a safer holiday in nature and much cheaper than staying in a hotel. The campground owners have not increased the prices, so they expect more guests in the coming period.
During the high tourist season, the seaside #campgrounds are packed with tourists who spend their holidays in caravans. Tourists, who had a passion for going out into nature with a tent in their youth, now want to share this experience with their children.
“Wherever we go within the country, at home and even abroad, we feel at home,” explains one of the tourists.
"Freedom, don't sit between the concrete, don't worry, the neighbor is sleeping across the street. So here's freedom. Children can play," says another.