While camping, the days are usually spent outside. In the evenings, time is spent in the caravan. Spending quality time in the evening in the caravan is directly proportional to the lighting of the caravan.
It is possible to improve the caravan lighting. Solar panels can be used to prevent the energy problem.
To improve caravan lighting;
Bulbs need to be replaced.
Low voltage bulbs provide annoying dimness. If you do not have a romantic character, you should replace it with high watt bulbs.
Use led and side lights.
Just like in your living room, it is possible to use the side lights to illuminate your cabin a little better. But you have to pay attention to the weight.
Activate your imagination.
Lighting can be illuminated not only with bulbs and LEDs, but also with rechargeable candles. Let the use of lampshades and lambrequins be left to your imagination.
When choosing lighting, you should prefer those that work with renewable energy.