A caravan is not just a summer vehicle. It is a functional tool with which you can realize your winter holiday with the right equipment. The caravan system and equipment you have created for your summer holidays may not be sufficient for your winter vacation.
Skiing in the winter is a very enjoyable activity. When the ski season starts, accommodation fees can be costly for you. The caravan you use in the summer can be a great ski and winter holiday accommodation center. While preparing your caravan for winter;
Your caravan needs to be prepared for snow and rain, leakage caused by icing, and electrical problems due to wet weather conditions. With the right insulation and the help of an expert, it is possible to solve this problem practically.
Caravan tires must be of good quality and provide full grip on icy, snowy and wet roads. You need to measure the tread and pressure of the tires and make sure that they are suitable. You should also have your tire chains ready, just in case.
Winter nights are quite cold compared to the daytime. These temperature drops occur very rapidly and to a large extent. For this, the caravan interior must be equipped with suitable heaters. Placing space blankets and wool blankets in the bed will minimize the effect of the cold.
Apart from insulation, curtains that will break the winter cold should be used on the caravan windows.
If you plan to carry out your winter travels for a long time, you should insulate the caravan walls and roof.
You should do your food shopping by giving priority to foods and drinks that are high in calories and contain protein.
You must have antifreeze products and materials required for engine protection to prevent the motor and liquids of the motorhome from freezing.
There are a few footnotes for caravan heat. These footnotes contain points to ensure heat conservation.
Parking the caravan in areas where the sun shines will prevent the temperature in the caravan from falling rapidly.
You should definitely draw the curtains close to sunset. It will also ensure the preservation of heat.
You must place the heater in an area that you can reach in a safe manner. When you wake up, you should immediately turn on the heater. While you are enjoying the bed in your warm bed, your caravan will warm up during this time.
You should place your caravan awning in a way that will prevent your caravan in the direction of the wind.
You can create the flooring of your caravan with rubber products. Again, the mats you will spread on the floor will protect you from stepping on the cold floor and increase the feeling of being at home.
You can place thick fabrics that will make you comfortable when you sit on the metal parts and sitting part of your camping chair.
You can use gas heaters in the caravan. The high temperature will make you feel as comfortable as at home. You must be absolutely sure that the gas heater does not leak gas and you should not set off without backup.